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Dry Hands Pole Dancing Grip Review

Dry Hands Pole Dancing Grip Aid Review
Last Updated on December 16, 2022
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We love reviewing products at Pole Fit Freedom so that you can make the most of the various products out there for pole dancers!

Pole dancing grip aids just so happen to be something were experts on (even if we do say so ourselves!)

This week, we’re reviewing the good ol’ Dry Hands Pole Dancing Grip Aid, which is a very commonly used grip aid in pole studios around the world and for amateur and professional pole dancers alike.

But, how do you know if it’s going to work for you?

Let’s find out…

Dry Hands Pole Dance Grip Aid Review

Pole Dance Grip Aid - A detailed Review

Who Is ‘Dry Hands’ For?

Dry Hands is not specifically marketed as a pole dancing grip aid, although many pole dancers use it all around the world.

Dry Hands is suitable for use with many different sports, such as tennis, golf, baseball, field athletics, weightlifting, gymnastics, or anything that requires a strong grip.

Size Of Bottle

The bottle of Dry Hands is 2 fl. oz. It contains a liquid that dries when it comes into contact with your skin. It’s very small, light and is very convenient to carry around in your gym bag.

How To Use Dry Hands

After you’ve fully warmed up, use a few drops and rub into your hands for improved pole grip.

Wait for it to dry for a few moments before using the pole.

Pro Tip:

Always warm-up before using grip aid, so you know how sweaty your palms will be when you’re using the pole, otherwise you may end up wasting it.


Don’t leave your bottle of Dry Hands open or it will evaporate!

First Impressions

If you have fairly dry hands to start with, then you should definitely warm up before using this, as the name suggests, it will make your hands feel dryer!!

I have fairly chapped hands and I could immediately see that residue of this product clinging to the calluses on my hands (from years of pole dancing!)

I tried using Dry Hands without warming up and it actually made my hands feel more slippery than before!

Pro tip: if Dry Hands or any grip

If Dry Hands or any grip aid makes your hands feel drier than when you started. Sprinkle a few drops of water on your hand and shake them/let them air dry naturally and you should find you’ll have a better grip!

Does Dry Hands Improve Pole Grip?

For performing spins on a static pole I found this excellent. It was just the right amount of grip needed to hold on and spin to the floor without sliding or getting stuck.

It didn’t leave any residue on the pole like chalk does either.

However, for performing spins on the spinning Pole, I felt my hand grip starting to slide, especially as I gained momentum and speed.

For performing lifts and static moves, I personally would have preferred to use a stronger, more tacky grip. Saying that I did not slip at all while using the 40mm or 45mm X poles. However, I felt a little less secure on the 50mm.

Related: Pole Dancing At Home: Safety 101

What About Using Dry Hands With Sweaty Hands?

So, as my hands are usually very dry anyway, we need the view of someone with sweatier hands.

So, I asked one of my students for her opinions. Let’s see what she had to say…

“Dry Hands is a life saver on warm days. But, when it’s really hot you’ll need to re-apply it more than usual and end up going through it a lot. I definitely need it for attempting new moves in class.”

Advantages of Dry hands

  • A well-known, popular product which most pole studios will have available
  • If used sparingly, the bottle will last for a very long time, making it good value for money
  • Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon so there’s no need to find a specialist retailer or store
  • Doesn’t cause a friction sound when spinning or sliding down the Pole, like some grip aids do.

Disadvantages of Dry hands

  • If your hands are extremely sweaty, this may not work effectively for you
  • It is quite a high price for such a small bottle
  • May cause blisters if overused
  • Due to its size, it’s not the best product for applying to the rest of your body

Value For Money

A 2fl oz. bottle costs less than $10 (check the current price here on Amazon) but it is more expensive to buy in countries outside of the United States.

Due to its size and the fact that you only need quite a small amount for it to work – this is very good value for money.

If you pole once or twice per week then a 2fl oz. bottle will last you about 4 months, maybe slightly less if you’re very sweaty or live in a hot country.

Ingredients And Allergy Information

The ingredients are alcohol and Silica. If you’ve had an adverse reaction to either of these Ingredients, then Dry Hands pole dancing grip is not for you.

Overall Opinion

If you’re considering buying your first grip, Dry Hands is an excellent choice.

It’s good value for money and will last for several months at least.

If you don’t get on with this grip, you’re sure to find someone at your local pole studio who does, so it certainly won’t be wasted.

Product Rating


Dry Hands - Check current price on Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions About Dry Hands Pole Grip

Still have questions? We got you!

This post may contain affiliate links. That means that, at no extra cost to you, we may receive a small commission if you buy a product. Read our full disclosure here.

Dry Hands Gripping Solution


Antiperspirant rating


Grip rating


Value for monry



  • A well-known, popular product which most pole studios will have available
  • If used sparingly, the bottle will last for a very long time, making it good value for money
  • Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon so there's no need to find a specialist retailer or store
  • Doesn't cause a friction sound when spinning or sliding down the Pole, like some grip aids do


  • If your hands are extremely sweaty, this may not work effectively for you
  • It is quite a high price for such a small bottle
  • May cause blisters if overused
  • Due to its size, it's only for your hands, not the pole or the rest of your body

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