- Best Pole Dancing Grip Aids
- Best Pole Dancing Grip Aid for Sweaty Hands
- Best Pole Grip For Dry or Chapped Hands
- Best Pole Grip To Use On The Pole
- Best Pole Grip For Your Body
- Best Pole Dancing Grip For Spinning Poles
- Best Grip Product for Cold Weather
- Best Grip Aid Product for Hot Weather
- Best Budget Pole Dancing Grip Aids
- Pole Dancing Grip Aid Comparison Table
- The A-Z of Pole Dancing Grip Aids
- Carpe Lotion
- Dirty Girl Poletice
- Dew Point Pole
- Dry Hands – Ultimate Gripping Solution
- Embrace Pole Grip
- Girlie Grip
- Gorilla Grip Sports Towel
- Gorilla Snot
- Hydro Attack Body Grip Spray
- iTac 2 Extra Strength Pole Fitness Grip
- Liquid Chalk – A Class Sports Grip Aid Product
- Lupit Pole Grip
- Mighty Grip Powder
- Mueller Stickum Spray Grip Enhancer
- Pole Honey (No Longer Available)
- Tite Grip 1 & 2 For Pole Dancing
- Wearable Pole Dancing Grip Aids
- Best Place to Buy Pole Dancing Grip Aids?
During the intense exercise of pole dancing, we get sweaty and that sweat affects our ability to grip properly. This is why pole dance grip aids are so widely used by beginners and professionals alike.
Did you know that the climate of the country you live in plays a part in which grip aid you will need? We’re here to help you decided which pole dance grip aid product is right for you.
So, whether it’s Chalk, Dry Hands, Mighty Grip, iTac, or a combination of these, let’s find the right pole dance grip aid product for you!
Best Pole Dancing Grip Aids
It’s very difficult to define exactly what the “best” pole dancing grip aids are, as each product suits a different need.
Whether you need a strong or mild antiperspirant, or a medium-strong grip product, there’s definitely something for you on this list! Depending on what your needs are, this should help you decide which product is best for you!
Here is an overview of the best pole dancing grip aids, separated into these different categories:
- The best grip aid for sweaty hands
- The best grip aid for dry or chapped hands
- Hot weather grip aid products
- Cold weather grip aid products
- The best grip product to apply directly to the pole
- The best grip aid to apply to your body
- Best grip aid on a budget
Best Pole Dancing Grip Aid for Sweaty Hands
These are the top 3 pole dancing grip aids that are best for pole dancers with the sweatiest of sweaty hands (or you know, just a normal amount of sweat…)
1. Carpe Lotion

Carpe Lotion is not specifically marketed towards pole dancers, unlike most of the products in this guide. It’s a general product that’s used as a treatment for hyperhidrosis or excessively sweaty hands. It was created by two hyperhidrosis suffers as a solution for sweaty hands in any situation, including activities that need a strong grip, such as pole dancing.
The creators of Carpe Lotion spent years developing over 60 different formulas before producing a perfect solution for sweaty palms. It’s an over-the-counter treatment, available without prescriptions, dermatologist-approved and endorsed by the Hyperhidrosis Society.
It is perfect for pole dancers who struggle to grip with sweaty hands.
2. Dry Hands
Dry Hands is one of the most popular and well-known pole dancing grip aids available. Although, Dry Hands is not specifically marketed as a pole dancing grip product either, it’s more of a general sports grip that happens to be very effective for using the pole!
It comes in a very small bottle, although it’s excellent value as you only need a tiny amount for it to work. Dry Hands absorbs moisture and perspiration effectively, it’s essentially an antiperspirant for your hands!

3. Tite Grip
Tite Grip is actually 2 different products, Tite Grip 1 and Tite Grip 2.
The original product is Tite Grip 1, it is perfect for people who sweat a lot when pole dancing and find other products just aren’t adequate. It’s also great for people with more serious perspiration problems and medical conditions (Hyperhidrosis). While using Tite Grip 1, you will notice that your hands are temporarily stained white as it’s such a strong antiperspirant.
Tite Grip 2 has overtaken its original and is now the most popular version of the product. It is an all-around sports grip product that anyone can use without it drying out your skin. While it is still a strong antiperspirant, it does not stain your hands like Tite Grip 1.

Best Pole Grip For Dry or Chapped Hands
Having dry and chapped hands is just as frustrating for a pole dancer as having sweaty palms. Many pole dancing grip aids actually dry the skin and absorb sweat to improve grip, rather than actually providing tackiness that helps you grip.
If you have dry or chapped hands, then you need a grip product that actually gives you extra grip, instead of just absorbing sweat and moisture. Otherwise, you’ll just end up with even drier skin and perhaps even blisters!
Take your pick from one of these pole dancing grip aids to ease your bone-dry hands. These are the top 3 pole dancing grip aids for pole dancers with dry or chapped hands.
WINNER: iTac2 Extra Strength

iTac2 works brilliantly if you have dry skin on your hands. It’s one of the most sticky grip aids available, so it’s perfect for those who have trouble with gripping due to their hands being too dry.
If you have very dry skin, then this will be your dream product. However, if you do have sweaty palms then this won’t help you at all as it mixes the sweat and makes it even harder to grip! If this does happen, you can use it in combination with other products to combat this.
2. Mueller Stickum Spray
Stickum Spray Grip Enhancer provides a strong-level of grip.
It is suitable for pole dancers who really find it difficult to grip the pole with their hands.

It’s also suitable for dancers who are used to a 45mm pole but are practising on a larger pole, such as a 50mm, or for Chinese pole and other aerial activities that need a good amount of grip.
3. Mighty Grip Powder
Mighty Grip Powder is simple and quick to use, just apply a small amount to your hands, then pat or gently rub your hands together.
The best time to apply Mighty Grip powder is immediately after your warm-up.

The warmth from your body activates the powder and provides a layer of tacky grip on your skin. It doesn’t dry your skin out and it will help you stick to the pole.
Best Pole Grip To Use On The Pole
If you don’t like applying tonnes of sticky stuff or powder to your skin, then did you know that you can apply many of these products directly to the pole instead? These are the top 3 pole dancing grip aids that work very well when applied directly to the pole:
1. Liquid Chalk

Liquid chalk comes in a much larger bottle than other pole dancing grip aids do, so it’s perfect for slathering onto the pole to help with your grip! It dries pretty quickly on the pole’s surface, and it makes for a really solid and comfortable grip, meaning that slipping is very unlikely if the pole is covered in dried liquid chalk.
However, if you’re trying to spin on a static pole, you might find that you have too much grip, and you won’t be able to spin freely around the pole. Cover the pole in Liquid Chalk when you want to start learning a new challenging move for the first time, or if you have a spinning pole.
2. Lupit Pole Grip
The Lupit Pole Grip has 2 sides; one for the pole and one for your skin. You can use the pink side of the pillow to apply added grip to the pole’s surface. Simply run the pillow along the length of the pole for it to take effect. Do this about 5-10 minutes before your pole session starts and warm yourself up for the best results!

3. Gorilla Gold Reusable Grip-Enhancing Towel
For added grip, wipe the surface of the pole with a Gorilla Gold Grip-Enhancing Towel before you start your session. You will notice that you’re able to grip with more confidence and with fewer slippages!
Best Pole Grip For Your Body
These are the top 3 pole dancing grip aids that are best for overall body grip, as opposed to hand-grip!
1. Hydro Attack Body Grip Spray
Hydro Attack actively brings more moisture to your skin while making it more healthy with continuous use. Aloe Vera is widely known for its healing benefits, but the new addition to the already functional formula has been Vitamin B5. This special ingredient enhances reproduction of skin cells on bruised skin and also works as a strong moisturizer.

You can use Hydro Attack Body Grip Spray anywhere on your body, except for your hands and feet, making it the best product to use for extra body grip! It’s also approved by the International Pole Sports Federation (IPSF)!
2. Mueller Stickum Spray
As this is an aerosol, it’s very easy to get a good amount of skin-coverage with a small amount of Stickum Spray. The spray is suitable for pole dancers who struggle with sweaty palms, slipping on the pole and reduced confidence due to difficulty with grip. It also works well on dry skin elsewhere on your body, preventing slippages and helping you to grip with confidence.
3. iTac2 Extra Strength
iTac2 Extra Strength Pole Fitness Grip is extremely sticky. Because it’s not a liquid or a powder, it gives you complete control over where you need grip; if your right knee needs some added grip, no problem! If your inner left elbow needs grip but the rest of your arm doesn’t, then you can be extremely accurate with where you use this product.
You only need a small amount of iTac2 Extra Strength, so one pot will last you for a long time!

Best Pole Dancing Grip For Spinning Poles
Using a spinning pole has its own technique when compared to a static only pole. If you’re spinning on a static pole with too much grip, you won’t spin very far!
A spinning pole, however, needs some extra tackiness to help grip during spins and tricks:
1. Stickum Spray
As this is an aerosol, it’s very easy to get a good amount of pole-coverage with a small amount of Stickum Spray. Spray it lightly all over the pole, or yourself, from top-to-bottom a few minutes before you start your workout.
You’ll notice that it’s much easier to grip with an even coverage when using the spinning pole. No more slippery spots, Stickum spray provides a gread even coverage.
2. Gorilla Snot
Due to its stickiness and how it’s so long-lasting, Gorilla Snot is a brilliant product for giving you the right amount of grip for using the spinning pole.

3. Lupit Pole Grip
Lupit Pole Grip is a savior for using with the spinning pole! It gives a good, all-over, even grip coverage. This gives you the stability, confidence and level of grip that you need to perform tricks and spins that will really wow your audience!

Best Grip Product for Cold Weather
The best pole dancing grip aids to use in colder climates.
1. Mighty Grip

Mighty Grip Powder is simple and quick to use, just apply a small amount to your hands, then pat or gently rub your hands together. The best time to apply Mighty Grip powder is immediately after your warm-up. The warmth from your body activates the powder and provides a layer of tacky grip on your skin.
It contains a thermoplastic ingredient to achieve the ‘tacky’ feeling on your hands, giving you a better grip on the pole. Body heat is key to how Mighty Grip powder works, so it’s important to only apply this product after warming up. It doesn’t dry your skin out and it will help you stick to the pole.
2. iTac2 Extra Strength
If you have very dry skin, then this will be your dream product. However, if you do have sweaty palms then this won’t help you at all as it mixes the sweat and makes it even harder to grip! That’s why it’s so great for the cold weather too.

3. Mueller Stickum Spray
Stickum Spray Grip Enhancer provides a strong-level of grip. It is suitable for pole dancers who really find it difficult to grip the pole with their hands. It works really well in cold weather for pole dancers who live in cold climates.
Best Grip Aid Product for Hot Weather
These are the best pole dancing grip aids to use if you live in a hot country (lucky you!) or have to practise in hot or humid conditions.
1. Dry Hands
Dry Hands is one of the most popular and well-known pole dancing grip aids available. Although, Dry Hands is not specifically marketed as a pole dancing grip product either, it’s more of a general sports grip that happens to be very effective for using the pole!
This works perfectly in hot or humid climates, absorbing any moisture it comes into contact with! It comes in a very small bottle, although it’s excellent value as you only need a tiny amount for it to work. Dry Hands absorbs moisture and perspiration effectively, it’s essentially an antiperspirant for your hands!
2. Tite Grip
Due to Tite Grip being such a strong antiperspirant, it’s perfect for using to pole dance in hot weather!
The original product is Tite Grip 1, it is perfect for people who sweat a lot when pole dancing and find other products just aren’t adequate. It’s also great for people with more serious perspiration problems and medical conditions (Hyperhidrosis). While using Tite Grip 1, you will notice that your hands are temporarily stained white as it’s such a strong antiperspirant.
Tite Grip 2 has overtaken its original and is now the most popular version of the product. It is an all-around sports grip product that anyone can use without it drying out your skin. While it is still a strong antiperspirant, it does not stain your hands like Tite Grip 1.

3. Carpe Lotion

This also makes it into the list of best pole dancing grip aids for hot weather because of its strong antiperspirant properties. The creators of Carpe Lotion spent years developing over 60 different formulas before producing a perfect solution for sweaty palms. It’s an over-the-counter treatment, available without prescriptions, dermatologist-approved and endorsed by the Hyperhidrosis Society.
Best Budget Pole Dancing Grip Aids
These pole dancing grip aids will give you the best value, lasting you the longest and saving you money if you’re on a tight budget!
1. Liquid Chalk
Liquid chalk contains the cheapest ingredients, so it’s the least expensive out of all of the pole dancing grip aids. However, the contents on the Liquid Chalk bottle can become dried out if it’s left open for too long and it reacts with air, becoming hard and impossible to use.

Keep your bottle of Liquid Chalk safe and it will last you for a very long time!
2. Dry Hands
Dry Hands is one of the most popular and well-known pole dancing grip aids available. It’s also very reasonably priced and lasts for a fairly long time when used properly (e.g. don’t use too much at once!) It comes in a very small bottle, although it’s excellent value as you only need a tiny amount for it to work.

3. Mighty Grip Powder
Mighty Grip Powder is simple and quick to use, just apply a small amount to your hands, then pat or gently rub your hands together. The best time to apply Mighty Grip powder is immediately after your warm-up, the reason why this is suitable for pole dancers on a budget is because it only needs such a small amount to be effective. Despite its small size, it will go a very long way!
It contains a thermoplastic ingredient to achieve the ‘tacky’ feeling on your hands, giving you a better grip on the pole. Body heat is key to how Mighty Grip powder works, so it’s important to only apply this product after warming up. It doesn’t dry your skin out and it will help you stick to the pole.

Pole Dancing Grip Aid Comparison Table
Move the table from left-to-right on your mobile to get the full view!
Product name | Picture | Anti-perspirant rating | Grip Rating | Works on very dry skin? | Works on very sweaty skin? | Price |
Carpe Lotion |
![]() | 5/5 | 2/5 | No | Yes | Click to check |
Dew Point Pole Light | ![]() | 4/5 | 2/5 | No | Yes | Click to check |
Dew Point Pole Medium | ![]() | 4/5 | 3/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check |
Dew Point Pole Ultra | ![]() | 4/5 | 5/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check |
Dirty Girl Poletice | ![]() | 4/5 | 2/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check |
Dry Hands | 4/5 | 3/5 | No | Yes | Click to check | |
Embrace Pole Grip | 2/5 | 3/5 | Yes | No | Click to check | |
Gorilla Gold Grip-Enhancing Reusable Towel | 3/5 | 4/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check | |
Gorilla Snot | ![]() | 2/5 | 4/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check |
Hydro Attack Body Grip Spray | ![]() | 3/5 | 4/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check |
iTac 2 Extra Strength | ![]() | 2/5 | 5/5 | Yes | No | Click to check |
Liquid Chalk | ![]() | 3/5 | 3/5 | No | Yes | Click to check |
Lupit Pole Grip | ![]() | 2/5 | 5/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check |
Mighty Grip Powder | ![]() | 3/5 | 4/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check |
Mueller Stickum Spray Grip Enhancer | 3/5 | 5/5 | Yes | Yes | Click to check | |
Tite Grip | ![]() | 5/5 | 2/5 | No | Yes | Click to check |

The A-Z of Pole Dancing Grip Aids
First, here’s a list of different pole dancing grip aids available at the moment, or at least, these are the ones that I have owned myself or have experience of using! They’re also in alphabetical order, may I add!
Carpe Lotion
Great for sweaty palms and feet!
Main ingredient: Aluminium Sesquichlorohydrate
Vegan Status: Vegan-friendly

Carpe Lotion is designed for people with sweaty hands and feet! It’s a super strong antiperspirant that works very well and is very effective for pole dancers. If this is your preferred grip aid, then you’ll be pleased to know that it’s vegan-friendly and cruelty-free!
The creators of Carpe Lotion spent years developing over 60 different formulas before producing a perfect solution for sweaty palms. It’s an over-the-counter treatment, available without prescriptions, dermatologist-approved and endorsed by the Hyperhidrosis Society.
Advantages of Carpe Lotion
- A very well-known, popular product made by an established brand
- Provides a very strong antiperspirant effect.
- Will last for a long time, so it’s great value for money.
- Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon, so there’s no need to find a specialist retailer or store
- Can be easily used all over the body, but works best on hands and feet as the bottle is quite small
- Does not need re-applying mid-workout, one application is usually enough
- Great for performing tricks on the static pole
- Leaves absolutely no residue on your skin or the pole!
Disadvantages of Carpe Lotion
- Not ideal for people who don’t have very sweaty hands
- It may make it harder to grip if you use this product on skin that’s already dry
Dirty Girl Poletice
2-in-1 Grip Aid & Antiperspirant
Main ingredient: Silica
Vegan Status: Vegan-friendly

Dirty Girl Poletice is made from organic, natural ingredients and works as an antiperspirant. It is a mild grip aid suitable for people with mild-medium sweaty hands! You mix a small amount of water with it and rinse it off when you’re finished. It is not suitable for dry hands, as it makes them even drier!
You can use Dirty Girl Poletice on its own or in combination with other products. It requires a small amount of water to “activate” it and it stayed effective for hours, so there’s no need to re-apply it mid-workout.
A highly advanced pole dancing grip product
Main ingredient: Vegetable glycerine Phenoxylethanol Calphryl glycol
Vegan Status: Unconfirmed
Dew Point Pole

Dew Point Pole spray naturally helps to moisturize your skin while increasing your grip on the pole. It comes in three formulas: light, medium and ultra
The formulas are named based upon the amount of moisture they give, Light giving the least amount and Ultra the most. It also reacts to the environment you are in.
Light formula is for you if…
- You live in a very humid climate or if your skin is not very dry (oily).
Medium formula is for you if:
- You live in a humid climate and your skin is very dry.
- You have average / normal skin and your climate fluctuates, sometimes it is more humid or dry than others.
- You’re unsure which formula to get, this gives you a good starting point.
Ultra formula is for you if:
- You live in a dry climate and your skin is dry.
- You live in an average climate but your skin is very dry
‘The Ultimate Gripping Solution’
Main ingredient: Alcohol and Silica
Vegan Status: Unconfirmed
Dry Hands – Ultimate Gripping Solution
Dry Hands is not specifically marketed as a pole dancing grip aid, although many pole dancers use it all around the world. It is suitable for use with many different sports, such as tennis, golf, baseball, field athletics, weightlifting, gymnastics, or anything that requires a strong grip.
Advantages of Dry Hands
- A well-known, popular product which most pole studios will have available
- If used sparingly, the bottle will last for a very long time, making it good value for money
- Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon so there’s no need to find a specialist retailer or store
- Doesn’t cause a friction sound when spinning or sliding down the Pole, like some grip aids do.
Disadvantages of Dry Hands
- If your hands are extremely sweaty, this may not work effectively for you
- It is quite a high price for such a small bottle
- May cause blisters if overused
- Due to its size, it’s not the best product for applying to the rest of your body
Embrace Pole Grip
Hydrating pole dancing grip product
Main ingredient: Glycerine and Water
Vegan status: Vegan-friendly
Embrace Pole Grip is a very light spray grip that hydrates your skin, It’s made from plant products; Aloe Vera and Rosa Damascena so it also helps your skin heal from your bruises and friction burns!
It is a very light product, it leaves no residue and it’s perfect for performing spins. However, it does not give a strong and powerful grip like some of the other products on this list.
Girlie Grip
Main ingredients: Alcohol & Silica
Vegan status: Vegan-friendly
Girlie Grip is another antiperspirant product, designed for pole dancers with sweaty hands and skin! So, if you have dry skin then this may not work for you.
It’s a liquid, and you only need a very small amount of Girlie Grip for it be effective. And – it’s suitable for vegans!
Unfortunately Girlie Grip is no longer available.
Gorilla Grip Sports Towel
Reusable Sports Grip Towel for Golf (and pole dancing!)
Main ingredient: Beeswax
Vegan status: Not Vegan
The Gorilla Gold Grip-Enhancing Reusable Towel is marketed towards golfers but it works well for many other sports, including pole dancing. It contains Beeswax to provide extra grip, and it works very well in humid conditions.
Gorilla Snot
Grip product designed for musicians
Main ingredient: Tree Resin
Vegan status: Vegan-Friendly

Gorilla Snot is another product that was not actually created to be a pole dancing or sports grip aid. It’s actually for musicians, such as guitarists or drummers to keep a good grip on their instrument or drumsticks! But, that being said, it also works excellently as a sports grip, meaning that pole dancers have seized the opportunity to make the most of this inexpensive product.
It is suitable for use with many different sports, such as tennis, golf, baseball, field athletics, weightlifting, gymnastics, or anything that requires a strong grip.
Advantages of Gorilla Snot
- Proven to provide a high level of grip for dancers with dry or very dry skin
- Long-lasting – the 27g tub will last for over a year! You only need a tiny amount for a great level of grip
- Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon and it’s very inexpensive
- Can be easily used all over the body, doesn’t need to be applied to the pole
- Does not need re-applying mid-workout, one application is usually enough
- Great for performing spins on the spinning pole
- The tiny tub takes up no space at all in your gym bag
Disadvantages of Gorilla Snot
- Can leave your hands feeling very sticky
- It may cause blisters if you use too much of this product on skin that’s already dry
- Has no antiperspirant properties, need to use alongside Carpe Lotion or Dry Hands
Hydro Attack Body Grip Spray
Approved by the International Pole Sports Federation!
Main ingredients: Glycerin and Alcohol
Vegan status: Unconfirmed

You’ve probably never even heard of this product, but the Hydro Attack Body Grip Spray is the only product on this list that’s endorsed by the International Pole Sports Federation (ISPF)!
Hydro Attack actively brings more moisture to your skin while making it more healthy with continuous use. Aloe Vera is widely known for its healing benefits, but the new addition to the already functional formula has been Vitamin B5. This special ingredient enhances reproduction of skin cells on bruised skin and also works as a strong moisturizer.
You can use Hydro Attack Body Grip Spray anywhere on your body, except for your hands and feet.
iTac 2 Extra Strength Pole Fitness Grip

A very powerful grip aid
Main ingredient: Beeswax
Vegan status: Not VeganiTac2 Extra Strength is a product that is specifically designed for pole dancing. It provides a superior level of grip when compared to other lighter products.
Pros of iTac2 Extra Strength Pole Grip
- iTac2 Extra Strength Pole Fitness Grip is extremely sticky. It’s one of the most sticky grip aids available, so it’s perfect for those who have trouble with gripping
- It’s perfect for spinning routines on the spinning pole as it’s just so sticky!
- Because it’s not a liquid or a powder, so it gives you complete control over where you need grip; if your right knee needs some added grip, no problem! If your inner left elbow needs grip but the rest of your arm doesn’t, then you can be extremely accurate with where you use this product
- Doesn’t leave any white residue on your outfit or skin, so it provides an invisible layer of grip wherever you put it
- One small tub will last for a long time as you don’t need much of this for it be effective
- Gives extra grip for climbs, spins and holds
- Works brilliantly if you have dry skin (especially on your hands)
Cons Of iTac2 Extra Strength Pole Grip
- It can be quite tricky to wash off your skin! This has been raised a few times with iTac2 and mentioned in several other reviews of the product. They recommend using this to clean it from your skin!
- We and many other reviewers found that once you start sweating after using this product, the iTac2 made our skin and hands feel even more slippery and we had to use ‘Dry Hands’ Grip Aid as well as iTac2 at the same time.
- The product has no antiperspirant properties and does not stop you from sweating.
- iTac2 Extra Strength Grip Aid is not vegan-friendly, so if you live a vegan lifestyle then this product is not suitable for you as it’s made from beeswax
- Leaves a sticky residue on the pole and you will need to clean your pole a lot more often if you choose to use this grip aid.
Liquid Chalk – A Class Sports Grip Aid Product

A classic sports grip aid
Main ingredients: Alcohol and Chalk
Vegan status: Unconfirmed
Advantages of Liquid Chalk
- A well-known, popular product that most pole studios will have available
- If used sparingly, the bottle will last for a very long time, making it exceptionally good value for money
- Very easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon so there’s no need to find a specialist retailer or store
- It can be used on other areas of your body such as behind the knees or inner thighs
- Doesn’t cause a friction sound when spinning or sliding down the Pole, like some grip aids do.
Disadvantages of Liquid Chalk
- If your hands are extremely sweaty, this may not work effectively for you
- Leaves a lot of residue on the pole that can be quite stubborn to remove
- May cause blisters if overused
Lupit Pole Grip
Powder & liquid-free pole grip!
Apply one side to the pole and the other side to yourself!

The Lupit Pole Grip is a small square pillow approximately 4.7 inches x 4.7 inches. It weighs absolutely nothing and takes up very little space in your gym bag.
Use the pink side of the pillow to apply added grip to the pole’s surface. Simply run the pillow along the length of the pole for it to take effect.
Then, use the black side of the pillow to run it across your skin. The two sides of the pillow work together to provide an extra layer of grip to make sure that you ain’t going anywhere!
Advantages of Lupit Pole Grip
- A well-known, popular product made by a specialist pole dancing brand
- Provides a very high-level of grip.
- Will last for a very long time, so great value for money.
- Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon or order directly from Lupit Pole, so there’s no need to find a specialist retailer or store
- Can be easily used all over the body
- Does not need re-applying mid-workout, one application is usually enough
- Great for performing spins on the spinning pole
- No liquid or powder involved, so no chances of accidental spillages inside your bag!
Disadvantages of Lupit Pole Grip
- You may find that Lupit Pole Grip provides a bit too much stickiness, making it tricky to perform spins on a static pole.
- It is quite a high price for such a tiny product
- It may cause blisters if you use too much of this product on skin that’s already dry
- The pillow does not last forever, it becomes less effective over time. One Amazon reviewer said they replace it when it starts to get soft, although I’ve had several Lupit Pole Grip pillows at our dance studio for over a year and they still work pretty well, despite being ‘soft’
Mighty Grip Powder
Another classic Pole Dancing Grip Aid
Main ingredient: Thermoplastic
Vegan status: Vegan-friendly, but contains plastic

Depending on where you buy your Mighty Grip powder, you may notice is has different labels. Although the labels are different, it is the same product inside!
You may also see this product in packages for a specific sport, e.g. “Mighty Grip for tennis” or “Mighty Grip for darts”. It’s still the same product inside! In fact, it can often be less expensive to buy the version without the pole dancing label, so always check for the lowest price before buying!
Advantages Of Mighty Grip Powder
- Improves your grip on cold surfaces
- Stays on you, not on the pole
- None of the ingredients are known to cause allergies
- Helps with complex moves by improving grip
- Mighty Grip Powder can handle small amounts of sweat
Disadvantages Of Mighty Grip Powder
- Requires re-application if you have sweaty hands.
- If you are someone who has super sweaty palms when you’re poling, you may find this is not effective for you. Mighty Grip Powders best results come from people with overall dryer skin and less palm perspiration.
- The product itself is not an antiperspirant so will not prevent sweating.
Mueller Stickum Spray Grip Enhancer
One of stickiest grips available!
Main Ingredient: Unknown
Vegan Status: Vegan-Friendly
Stickum Spray Grip Enhancer provides a strong-level of grip. It is suitable for pole dancers who really find it difficult to grip the pole with their hands. It’s also suitable for dancers who are used to a 45mm pole but are practising on a larger pole, such as a 50mm, or for Chinese pole and other aerial activities that need a good amount of grip.
The spray is suitable for pole dancers who struggle with sweaty palms, slipping on the pole and reduced confidence due to difficulty with grip. It also works well on dry hands, if you have dry skin then you’ll find that Stickum Spray Grip Enhancer provides the level of tackiness that you need for pole dancing.
Advantages of Stickum Grip Enhancer Spray
- A well-known, popular product made by an established brand
- Provides a very high-level of grip.
- Will last for a very long time, so great value for money.
- Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon, so there’s no need to find a specialist retailer or store
- Can be easily used all over the body, but works best on hands and feet
- Does not need re-applying mid-workout, one application is usually enough and it can be reactivated using water
- Great for performing spins on the spinning pole
- No liquid or powder involved, so no chances of accidental spillages inside your bag!
Disadvantages of Stickum Grip Enhancer Spray
- You may find that Stickum Spray provides a bit too much stickiness, making it tricky to perform spins on a static pole.
- It may cause blisters if you use too much of this product on skin that’s already dry
- It’s a large container and an aerosol, making it less environmentally friendly.
Pole Honey (No Longer Available)
A Natural Grip Aid Product for Pole Dancers
Main ingredient: Tree Resin
Vegan Status: Vegan-Friendly
Pole Honey is very similar to Gorilla Snot, it comes in a similar little pot and is made from the same type of ingredients. The main difference is that this product has ‘Pole’ in the title so it’s aimed towards us pole dancers, rather than musicians. Apart from that, there’s very little difference.
No Longer Available
Tite Grip 1 & 2 For Pole Dancing
Two Grip-Enhancing Formulas
Main ingredient: Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydrated Silica, Talc, Aluminium Chlorohydrate and Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose aka Hypromellose (Wut?)
Vegan Status: Vegan-Friendly

Pros of Tite Grip as a Pole Dance Grip Aid
- Proven to work on very sweaty skin
- Long-lasting with two different strengths available to suit different needs
- Works quite well for non-sweaty hands too
- It works as a proper antiperspirant
Cons of Tite Grip as a Pole Dance Grip Aid
- Can dry out your skin (remember to wash off and use lotion afterwards)
- Tite Grip 1, in particular, can leave your skin a chalky white colour, this is due to the talc inside the product
- Tite Grip may not work as an actual grip aid for everyone, depending on your own need applying a second grip aid may be your best bet for a winning combination!
- If you have any sensitivities to Aluminium Salts or any of Tite Grip’s other ingredients then this won’t be right for you (most of the ingredients are commonly found in many other beauty products)
- Not suitable if you have really dry hands, as Tite Grip won’t give that tacky sensation that you’ll get from a product like iTac2 Extra Strength
Wearable Pole Dancing Grip Aids
Besides all of these powders, liquids, options, options, gels, sprays and creams, there’s also a large range of wearable grip products.
These include thigh protectors, ankle protectors, knee pads, grip gloves and even leggings with added grip for pole dancing!
Mighty Grip Upper Arm Protectors + Grip Aid
Mighty Grip sell a pair of upper arm protectors to wear when pole dancing.

These are adjustable using velcro and have a tacky-outer layer to help you grip the pole with your upper arms in moves such as flag, brass monkey and yogini.Upper arm protectors also have the added advantage or protecting your skin, avoiding bruises, friction burns and soreness caused by the friction of pole dancing.
Mighty Grip Thigh Protectors + Grip Aid
Your inner thighs take a fair amount of punishment during a pole dancing workout. Even beginners, during their first ever lesson, are introduced to the ‘pole seat’ position – that’s the type of pain that takes some getting used to.
Other pole tricks such as Superman, Crucifix, Inverted Crucifix and Gemini aren’t very kind to your fragile inner thighs either!
As your inner thighs take such a beating, it’s a common area for bruising and friction burns – Mighty Grip Thigh Protectors aim to protect you against this and help you grip the pole at the same time.
These Mighty Grip Thigh Protectors are a very simple design. They wrap around your thigh and are held firmly in place by velcro strips.

Grip Tack Strips!
They have tacky strips around the protector as well, to provide extra grip on the pole. These strips have been thoughtfully placed in the high friction areas where grip is needed the most, to prevent accidental sticking in places where you don’t want to stick to the pole!
The best thing about the tacky strips is… you don’t have to use them! You can twist the tack strips to face inwards, so if you don’t want or need the extra grip then you don’t have to use them!
I personally wanted to turn these around straight away; I don’t have a problem with thigh-grip, but a student I teach always keeps the tack strips in place because it’s a problem for her. You can use whatever option suits your needs the best.
We found that if you’re using these to help improve your grip, you may actually only need to wear one thigh protector! They seemed to work just as well by wearing one, rather than two.
Mighty Grip Ankle Protectors + Grip Aid
Your ankles and the top part of your feet can take a real battering when you’re pole dancing, making a common area for bruising and friction burns.
These Mighty Grip Ankle Protectors are a very simple design, they slip on your foot like a thick sock with a hole where your heel and toes are.

They have 4 tacky strips across the top of the foot and front of your shin to provide extra grip on the pole. These have been thoughtfully placed in the high friction areas where grip is needed the most, to prevent accidental sticking in places where you don’t want to stick to the pole!
The exact locations of the four tacky strips are:
- Over the front of the shin.
- Over the front of the foot reaching round to cover the ankle bone.
- On top of the foot reaching down the sides of the foot.
- Along the length of the sole in the arch of the foot.
We found that if you favor one foot over the other when climbing or doing certain routines then you can get away with wearing just the one, while keeping your other foot ‘naked’ as it were!
Wearing pole dancing gloves provides extra friction between your skin and the pole, helping you to grip. They also help you to feel more comfortable, especially if you have the extra challenge of sensitive hands..
If you have sweaty palms, they also help to prevent sweating getting in the way of your gripping abilities. You can also use a bit of the Mighty Grip Powder too to prevent your hands slipping inside the gloves.
Mighty Grip Gloves with tack strips
are great for using on a spinning pole, such as the X Pole XPERT. Wearing these gloves with tack strips will ensure that your hands stay firmly in place and will not budge, allowing you to gracefully spin yourself around the pole with added protection.
Mighty Grip Gloves without tack strips
are more suitable for use with a static/stationary pole. This is because they allow you to spin smoothly on a stationary pole without getting stuck in place!

They are available in different sizes too!
Best Place to Buy Pole Dancing Grip Aids?
Amazon – Amazon sell a wide selection of the pole dancing grip aids on this list.
BoomKats Pole – BoomKats Polewear offer a range of grip aid products for sale.
iTac2 – The direct manufacturer of iTac2 grip products, suitable for all sports. Support iTac2 by buying directly from them!
Vertical Wise Shop– Vertical Wise is one of the biggest collection of pole dancing accessories on the entire web! They sell a wise range of pole dancing grip aids as well as clothes, accessories, dance poles and loads more!
X Pole – X Pole sell plenty of grip aids to use with their poles.
Happy poling!
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We’d love you to give our grip aid a try. Check out [link removed] and we will be happy to send you a sample.