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Lupit Pole Grip Review

Lupit Pole Grip Review

Last Updated on December 20, 2022

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We love reviewing products at Pole Fit Freedom so that you can make the most of the various products out there. Pole dancing grip aids just so happen to be something were experts on (even if we do say so ourselves!) 

These days, there are so many options available for pole dancing grip aids, it can be a bit of a minefield and somewhat overwhelming when you’re trying to find a grip solution that works for you.

Fortunately, we’ve used all of the major grip aid products extensively, and we’re in the process of reviewing them all!

This week, we’re reviewing the Lupit Pole Grip, which is different to most other grip aids on the market as it’s not a powder, liquid, gel or spray. It’s a small, double-sided pink and black pillow.

How do you know if this small pink and black pillow is going to work for you? If you’re thinking of buying Lupit Pole Grip, this review will help you may your mind up. Don’t forget to check out our other reviews or pole dancing grip products.

Let’s find out if Lupit Pole Grip is right for you…

Pole Dance Grip Aids: Lupit Pole Grip Review

Who is ‘Lupit Pole Grip’ for?

Lupit Pole Grip is specifically marketed towards pole dancers, to help with gripping the pole, reducing the risk of slipping and providing the dancer with extra confidence. Lupit Pole is a specialist pole dancing manufacturer, they specialize in pole fitness and aerial products.

We have a lot of experience with Lupit Pole products, including their dance poles and crash mats and they’re very high quality. 

The Lupit Pole Grip is suitable for pole dancers who struggle with sweaty palms, slipping on the pole and reduced confidence due to difficulty with grip.

Size of Lupit Pole Grip

Lupit Grip Pink, ONE Piece – Multi-Sport & Pole Dance

The Lupit Pole Grip is a small square pillow approximately 4.7 inches x 4.7 inches. It weighs absolutely nothing and takes up very little space in your gym bag.

How to use Lupit Pole Grip

Use the pink side of the pillow to apply added grip to the pole’s surface. Simply run the pillow along the length of the pole for it to take effect.

Then, use the black side of the pillow to run it across your skin. The two sides of the pillow work together to provide an extra layer of grip to make sure that you ain’t going anywhere!

Pro Tip:

Always warm-up before using grip aid products like this one, so you know how sweaty you will be when you’re using the pole, otherwise you may end up wasting it.


The Lupit Pole Grip pillow is not going to last forever. It will lose effectiveness after a while, more on that later on in the review.

First Impressions

This is definitely a grip for extra-stickiness for performing advanced tricks, or for people who don’t have much success with grip products such as Dry Hands. If you have very dry hands (like I do) then you will find that Lupit Pole Grip will make you feel super sticky!

Does Lupit Pole Grip Improve Pole Grip?

If you really struggle with gripping the pole, or you have very dry hands (the opposite problem to sweaty hands) then Lupit Pole Grip will work very well for you.

For performing tricks and spins on a spinning pole I found this excellent. It was just the right amount of grip needed to hold on and spin to the floor without sliding or getting stuck.

It didn’t leave any residue on the pole like chalk does either.

However, for performing spins on the static pole, it’s just too sticky for me, and I can’t actually spin to the floor smoothly because my hand is stuck to the pole!

For performing spins on a static pole, I personally would have preferred to use a less sticky grip. Saying that, most of what I do these days on a static pole doesn’t require me to be able to spin!

Related: Which Pole Dancing Grip Aids are Vegan-Friendly?

What About Using Lupit Pole Grip with Very Sweaty Hands?

Lupit Pole Grip will also work with sweaty skin, but it won’t dry up the sweat in the same way that chalk or Dry Hands will. If you have sweaty hands, then Lupit Pole Grip will give you some additional grip, but you may need to use it in combination with another product if you find that sweat is still a problem with using the pole.

However, by using both sides of the Lupit Pole Grip pillow, one side for the pole and the other for your skin, you should find that the hydrophobic technology works well to adapt to the situation. So, stick with it for your workout to see how it works for you.

Advantages of Lupit Pole Grip

  • A well-known, popular product made by a specialist pole dancing brand
  • Provides a very high-level of grip.
  • Will last for a very long time, so great value for money.
  • Easy to get hold of, can easily buy from Amazon or order directly from Lupit Pole, so there’s no need to find a specialist retailer or store
  • Can be easily used all over the body
  • Does not need re-applying mid-workout, one application is usually enough
  • Great for performing spins on the spinning pole
  • No liquid or powder involved, so no chances of accidental spillages inside your bag!

Disadvantages of Lupit Pole Grip

  • You may find that Lupit Pole Grip provides a bit too much stickiness, making it tricky to perform spins on a static pole.
  • It is quite a high price for such a tiny product
  • It may cause blisters if you use too much of this product on skin that’s already dry
  • The pillow does not last forever, it becomes less effective over time. One Amazon reviewer said they replace it when it starts to get soft, although I’ve had several Lupit Pole Grip pillows at our dance studio for over a year and they still work pretty well, despite being ‘soft’

Value for Money

One Lupit Pole Grip usually costs less than $20 (check the current price here)

Due to its size and the fact that you only need one application for it to work for up to an hour – this is very good value for money.

If you pole once or twice per week then a single Lupit Pole Grip will last you about 6 months, maybe slightly less if you re-apply the product during your workouts or practice sessions. Store it in a cool, dry place for it to last longer.

Ingredients and Allergy Information

Lupit Pole Grip is not likely to cause an allergic reaction, but if you have sensitive skin, then be aware that the external material is made from synthetic fabric. Lupit have confirmed that their product is vegan-friendly.

Overall Opinion

If you’re considering buying your first grip, Lupit Pole Grip is a great first choice. It’s very good value for money and will last for at least several months.

If you don’t get on with this grip, you’re sure to find someone at your local pole studio who does, so it certainly won’t be wasted.

Product Rating


Lupit Pole Grip - Check current price on Amazon

Lupit Pole Grip


Product quality


Ease of install


Safety during use





  • Can be used on the pole and your body
  • Does not leave sticky residue
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Great value for money


  • Can cause blisters
  • Needs replacing with heavy use

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