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How Pole Dancing Changed My Life

Pole dancing changed my life
Last Updated on February 5, 2023
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Pole dancing changed my life in 2008 and I’ve never looked back. This is my story.

I’ve already blogged about how I ended up a broken teenager (I was actually 21) when my long-term boyfriend at the time cheated on me with a pole dancer he met once.

It was a sh*tty time in my life and even though it’s easy for me to look back with hindsight and realize how ridiculous the situation was, it was still sh*t for my naïve ass.

To cut that long and miserable story short, I connected with a friend who recently opened a pole dancing studio nearby. Despite the circumstances of me being cheated on and who it was with – I wanted to prove to myself that I was strong both physically and mentally.

My first pole dancing class was a disaster.

I failed. I fell. I sucked at it.

The follow day I felt like I’d been in a car accident because my muscles we so sore and I had matching bruises on my inner thighs.

But I kept at it.

I went back for week 2

And week 3, and 4 and so on…

18 Months later, I was assisting to teach a class of new beginners when I realized that I’d found my passion. And it was pole.

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How Pole Dancing Changed My Life: What Happened Next

I continue to attend (and teach) pole dancing lessons between 2009-2015.

I ended up traveling (for fun) and stayed in certain placed longer than others.

London, Chiang Mai and Malta were 3 of my favorite places where my stay turned into a longer one.

During my travels, I continued my pole journey by signing up to local classes and getting involved in the community as I was trying to find myself as a nomad.

It was also during that time that polefitfreedom.com was born.

It’s a little known fact I’m actually a massive nerd, proficient in web design (HTML, CSS, WordPress, etc) so I decided to build this website to share my experiences as a pole dancer.

I also started writing tips, tricks and inspirational content for pole dancers around the world.

Pole Fit Freedom Became A Business

When I got back from traveling, I had about 80 blog posts up here and was just starting to get traction on the content I was writing.

Then I was offered a job in my main profession of web design pretty much as soon as I touched back home.

I took the job.

It turned out that I hated the company. The culture, the team, everything just wasn’t right for me.

After a year of working there, I made plans to quit, except I needed the money.

I was still teaching freelance pole classes for beginners at a local dance studio on the occasional weekday evening and Saturday morning, which I loved.

I put my all into this blog and started producing new blog posts every evening after work.

Eventually I had 250 blog posts published and 50,000 monthly pageviews to this website!

I had some issues though with competitors copying and pasting my original articles, so I started using an automatic copyright checker that scans the web for duplicate versions of my content which is so cool!

I began to monetize this website through affiliate links and advertising which eventually enabled me to quit that job that I hated!

Pole Dancing Lead Me To Financial Freedom

It turns out that this website was my ticket out of the grind of full time work.

PoleFitFreedom.com earns more annually than my former monthly salary. That’s f***ing incredible and I still can’t believe it to this day!

On September 17 2021, polefitfreedom.com turned 5 years old, had 2 “best pole dancing blog” awards, 3500 mailing list subscribers and 75,000 monthly readers.


I also hired 3 part-time employees to assist with the content writing, editing, web development and photography on this blog.

I’m thrilled to say that Jenna, Sam and Alex are equally as passionate about pole dancing as I am and it’s an honor to have them on board.

Back To The Beginning

Every morning when I wake up and login to my blog, and open my mailbox to read happy messages from our readers, I have to pinch myself to remind myself that this is real!

I really did this!

I would never have tried pole dancing if it wasn’t for that huge jolt to my confidence waaaay back when.

It’s easy to look back and think about how dramatic I was being at the time (it felt like my world had ended as I’d never felt such betrayal before) and it’s also easy to say “it’s all worked out for the best”.

But I’ve put in an incredible amount of hard work into this blog and it all stemmed from my own doing.

How Pole Dancing Changed My Life

In conclusion, pole dancing has had a profound and lasting impact on my life.

It has not only helped me to rebuild my confidence and self-esteem, but it has also enabled me to pursue my passion for web design and to build a successful online business.

Through this blog, Pole Fit Freedom, I have been able to connect with thousands of fellow pole dancing enthusiasts and to share my passion with others.

Over the years, this blog has become so much more than just a hobby – it has become another source of income and a way of life.

I am grateful every day for the opportunities that pole dancing has brought into my life, and I am excited to continue sharing my journey with our readers.

What You Can Learn From This

Some key takeaways from this blog post include:

  • If you’ve discovered a passion for pole dancing, it can help you to rebuild their confidence and self-esteem.
  • Pole dancing can lead you to build a successful business just like this blog.
  • Through hard work and dedication, you can achieve your dreams of success.
  • Pole Fit Freedom now has a large and engaged community of readers, and has earned multiple awards.
  • My pole dancing has had a lasting impact on their life and has opened up new opportunities and experiences. It can do the same for you!

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